We met for the first time during Penn State summer session while attending the Dark Knight Rises premiere with mutual friends. Connor remembers Elisa brought a Red Bull, Slim Jim, and Skittles as her movie snacks. Elisa doesn’t remember meeting Connor that night… but, luckily, we joined the same college club and became friends!
Shoutout to our friend Julie Beck who took our first-ever photo together circa fall 2012! We cherish this hideous picture of us.After knowing each other for three years, we went on our first date to Cozy Thai Bistro in State College and thus was the official beginning to our story!
After graduation, Connor moved to Nashville and Elisa moved to DC for our jobs.
Did we then move closer together? No! Connor moved to San Franscisco and Elisa moved to New Hampshire.
Finally, after a year and a half of long distance, we reunited on the east coast when Connor moved back and began to split his time between Pittsbugh and DC where Elisa relocated.
Shoutout to our friend Christine Dyer for allowing Connor to be our unofficial third roommate!Connor moved to DC full time and we moved into our first apartment!
Now in our second apartment, we welcomed Olive and Basil into the family.
Under the guise of celebrating our ninth anniversary, Connor suggested we spend the day at Glenstone and popped the question!
Shoutout to our friends Mike and PJ for hiding in the bushes for hours to capture this moment.And, of course, between each of these milestones were countless ski trips, game nights, vacations, career changes, holidays, weddings, etc., etc., etc.